About the Middle Tennessee Metal Detecting Club


We were founded by a small group of metal detecting enthusiasts and known as the “Middle Tennessee Treasure Hunters Club


Our name changed to “Middle Tennessee Historical Research Association” (MTHRA) to reflect the historical interests of our members


The club changed its name once more to the current title of “Middle Tennessee Metal Detecting Club” (MTMDC)

We are a community of dedicated relic hunters, history enthusiasts, and metal detecting hobbyists who share a passion for unearthing hidden stories from
Middle Tennessee’s rich past.

Our club is an association of persons interested in recovering artifacts, coins, and other interesting items from the past.  The club originally met at the Williamson County Bank in Franklin, later moving to Brentwood, McGavock High School, Woodbine Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Nolensville Pike, West Nashville Heights Church of Christ and from the fall of 2015, to its present meeting location. 

New members are a key element in our club.  We now have 58 memberships (single and family) as of November, 2024. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm the first Friday of every month at 4525 Harding Pike, Nashville TN, 37205, 2nd floor (building across the street from Kroger). Guests are always welcome.

At each meeting members may enter their finds from the previous month in a Find-of-the-Month Competition.  Programs normally consist of talks by club members or invited speakers, slide or video shows, artifact displays or demonstrations of new metal-detecting products.

Annual club dues are $30.00 for individual memberships and $35.00 for family memberships, payable to the treasurer. A monthly newsletter is sent by e-mail to all members.

Our Annual Club Picnic and Hunt (ACPH) is the club highlight of the year.  We get together with our families in October for a picnic and several hunts for planted coins and prize tokens.


Current Officers

Club President

Aaron Lowe

Vice President

Marty Gates


David Knight

Strategic Governance

Secretary and Newsletter Editor and and

Bill Siesser


Code of Ethics

Our club strives to improve the public image of detector users and other amateur historians/collectors.  We therefore abide by the following “Treasure Hunters’ Code of Ethics”:

1. Respect the rights and property of others.
2. Observe all laws, whether national, state or local. Aid law-enforcement officers whenever possible.
3. Never destroy priceless historical or archaeological treasures.
4. Leave land and vegetation as it was.  Fill all holes.
5. Remove trash and litter when you leave.
6. All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration for others.
7. Strive to encourage young people to take an interest in history and our national heritage through club functions and activities.

Constitution and By-Laws


We associate ourselves together for the following purpose: To learn, seek, discover, and help persons or parties to recover antiquities of the past; to conduct ourselves in a manner that is courteous and polite with consideration for others; to establish good fellowship with all treasure hunters.

ARTICLE I: The name of this organization shall be the Middle Tennessee Metal Detecting ClubARTICLE II: The object and purpose of this club will be to promote the principals and policies as set forth in the Preamble, Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of this club.ARTICLE III: All persons shall be eligible for membership in this club, providing they meet the regulations and rules set forth in the By-Laws enacted by this club.ARTICLE IV: The elected officers in this club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Treasurer.ARTICLE V: The President shall appoint the Board of Directors which will consist of the Elected Officers and a maximum of six members: one Board member for for each five regular members.ARTICLE VI: This club shall have monthly meetings, outings, and Board of Directors meeting as set forth in the By-Laws.ARTICLE VII: The revenue of this club shall be derived from annual membership dues and such other sources as may be approved by the club Board of Directors and club members.ARTICLE VIII: This club shall have the authority to enact By-Laws for the operation and control of its purpose.ARTICLE IX: This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting or special meeting by a two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the total membership and all members must vote AYE, NAY or signify abstention.ARTICLE X: A quorum for club meetings shall consist of: A. President and/or Vice President presiding. B. One additional elected officer. C. One-fourth of total membership.ARTICLE XI: A quorum for the Board of Directors meetings will consist of: A. Chairman and/or President or Vice President. B. Two-thirds of the Board Members.ARTICLE XII: This Constitution and By-Laws shall be properly registered and recorded to operate as a legal club.ARTICLE XIII: The laws of the United States, State of Tennessee and the local city or county shall take precedence over all club regulations and rules.

By- Laws


Section 1 – The club existing under these By-Laws is to be known as the Middle Tennessee Metal Detecting Club.

Section 2- The objectives and purpose of this club are set forth in the Constitution.


The Code of Ethics is as follows

Section 1 – Leave the land and vegetation as it was and fill all holes.

Section 2 – Observe all existing laws, whether national, state or local.

Section 3 – Do not destroy, damage or deface public or private property.

Section 4 – Dispose of all dug objects properly.

Section 5 – Respect the rights and property of others and observe posted areas.

Section 6 – Always conduct yourself in a manner that is courteous and polite with consideration for others and remember, all treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set.

ARTICLE III: A meeting, to be official, must be attended by a quorum as set forth in the Constitution.

ARTICLE IV: Any person may become a member of this club after meeting the requirements as set forth in these By-Laws.

Section 1- Adult membership is limited to 18 years of age or older.

Section 2 – Family membership consists of all members of one family. A family is defined as being a married couple or single parent and their children 17 years of age or under.

Section 3 – Junior members are 12-17 years of age and have written consent to attend the meetings and outings and must be accompanied by parent and/or guardian.

Section 4 – Associate members are semi-active and may not vote.

Section 5 – Honorary members are accepted for professional services.

Section 6 – New applicants must submit an application.


Section 1 – The president’s duties are to preside over all club activities, to be present and to act as overseer of the Board of Directors and to appoint a temporary officer to fulfill a vacant office for a remaining term of office.

Section 2 – The Vice President in the absence or disability of the President performs all duties of the President and assists the President in all matters.

Section 3 – The Secretary keeps the minutes of all proceedings and informs the club members of club activities or anything of interest to the club

Section 4 – The treasurer collects, records and safely keeps all funds of this club and gives monthly reports.

Section 5 – the Board of Directors shall:

A. Operate as a review and recommendation committee for the club.

B. Appoint the non-elected officials.

C. Rule on disciplinary action.

D. Appoint a nominating committee of 3 members to screen the eligibility of nominees for officers.


Section 1 – The elected officers will hold a term of office for two (2) years.

Section 2 – The appointed officials will hold a term of office for one (1) year.

Section 3 – The special committee-heads term of office shall be for the length of time as designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4 – The elected officers must 18 years or older.


Section 1 – A prospective officer must have been a member of this club for not less than six months and be in good standing with the club.

Section 2 – Board of Directors will meet preceding the regular club meetings every month.

Section 3 – Any observer, associate member or honorary member may voice an opinion, but may not take part in any voting or closed meetings.


Section 1 – Dues regulations are as follows:

A. Regular membership ———————$30.00

B. Family membership —————— $35.00

C. Associate membership —————— $7.00

D. Dues are payable on acceptance

E. Dues are from January 1 to December 31.

F. New members dues will be prorated according to the months remaining.

G. Refunds will be subject to the decisions of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 – Treasury withdrawal limitations:

A. President and Treasurer ————–$100 (and under)

B. Board of Directors —————— $100 (and over)

C. All other amounts must be approved by a quorum at an official meeting

*All expenditures on the authority of President/Treasurer.

Section 3 – The club will maintain a checking account requiring signatures of the President or Treasurer.


Section 1 – Only two members of any one family may vote.

Section 2 – Honorary and Associate members may not vote.

ARTICLE XI: The By-Laws may be enacted or amended by two-thirds affirmative vote of the total membership.