Hunting for History in the Heart of Tennessee

Middle Tennessee Metal Detecting Club


Join Us at a Monthly Meeting


Are always welcome!

Bring yourself, your family, or friends. We are always happy to welcome guests.

Contact us at: [email protected]

Acting Webmaster: Bill Siesser

We meet in the building across the street from Kroger. Park in the back and take the elevator up to the second floor.

Meeting Time and Schedule

We meet the first Friday of every month. 7:00pm-7:30pm: Socialize, connect with fellow enthusiasts, enjoy light refreshments, and view recent finds from members.

7:30pm: Meeting is called to order. Meetings consist of club business, recounts of recent detecting experiences from members, and usually a special guest speaker. Programs include a range of historical topics. Meetings conclude around 9:30 pm.

The next club meeting will be on Friday, February 7. Hope to see you all then!

Find of the Month

Member Submissions Only

Members are encouraged to bring their best monthly finds to compete in our Find-of-the-Month competition in three categories: Civil-War/Pre-Civil War Relics; Coins; Treasure. Points are earned by winners in each category for annual awards.


Join the club!

Membership fees are $30 for a single member or $35 for a family membership. Fees are paid to the club treasurer annually..

All members may join us for our Annual Club Picnic and Hunt (ACPH) held in October. You won’t want to miss it! Only members who have attended at least 4 meetings during the year may participate in the “Hunt” part of the ACPH.

MTMDC Club Hunt

club hunt

Metal Detecting Information

See what our members have to say about how to be successful on your next relic hunt. View our list of reference and other books, and read member-written articles about successful hunting adventures.

Frequently Asked

Q: What does it cost to join MTMDC?

$30 for a single annual membership
$35 for a family annualmembership

Q: I need help locating a ring. Can a club member help me?

Yes! We get requests all the time from those who have lost rings, watches, or anything that shines. One of our members would love to help you locate what has been misplaced. Please email us at [email protected]